
Member Information

  • Member Events Registration

    Members - Sign up for this year's events by clicking the link below!

    Event Registration

  • Reciprocal Privileges

    As a member of Coyote Crossing Golf Club, you have reciprocal access to these partner courses:

    Coyote Crossing Members may play these partner courses at a reduced rate.  Advanced Reservation required with indication of playing as a reciprocal member from Coyote Crossing.  A photo ID and Coyote Crossing Member bag tag are required at check-in.  Standard rates apply for accompanied guests.

    Pacific Links International

    Your Coyote Crossing membership includes reciprocal privileges at 800+ courses worldwide through the Pacific LinksInternational network. Tee time reservations must be made through Pacific Links at least 14 days in advance.  An updated list of PLI affiliate and reciprocal clubs can be found online.

    Coyote Crossing is a PLI Affiliate Club so members receive complimentary greens fees at other PLI Affiliate Clubs, and discounted fees at PLI Reciprocal Clubs.  Cart and/or caddie fees apply at all PLI Clubs.  Accompanying guests pay the applicable guest rate.

    To be able to request tee times at PLI Clubs, members must first setup an account with PLI at:

    Once an account is established, requests for tee times at PLI courses must be made at least 14 days in advance through Links 2 Golf:

    You will need to include your name, your Coyote Crossing member number, your home club (Coyote Crossing), the date/time & course you would like to play, and guests’ names (and member numbers if applicable).  Pacific Links will confirm all reservations with the requested Club and member. A photo ID will be required at check in. Please remember that all tee time reservations, changes, or cancellation must made through Links 2 Golf, and members are not to contact the host Club directly.  Please contact the Coyote Crossing pro shop with any questions or issues with booking thru Links 2 Golf.

    Landscapes Member Advantage Program

    As a Landscapes managed facility, Coyote Crossing members can play any of the following courses: 

    Please remember that all tee time reservations must be made through the Pacific Links. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT THE CLUB DIRECTLY.

  • Member Tournaments

    Golf Tournaments for Members of Coyote Crossing Golf Club

    Tournament Schedule and Registration: 2025 Coming Soon

    Members must have a current index to compete in Net games

  • Men's League

    This is a link to the Men’s League Golf Genius page

    This is where all the information lives.

  • Ladies 18 Hole League

    Thursday Mornings -9:00 AM Shotgun

    18 holes

    To register or for more information please contact Brenda Loucks

  • Ladies 9 Hole League


    FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE – Play your 9-hole league round anytime during the week.

    League play begins the week of April 10 and concludes August 30

    Schedule & details on the Ladies 9-Hole Weekday League: Coming Soon

    ‘Robin’s Birdies’ is a group of ladies that tees off every Wednesday at 5:00-5:30 PM from May to August

    For questions or more information, please contact Tina 413-8855

  • Personal Golf Carts

    In order to operate a personal golf cart on Coyote Crossing property, you must be a current member in good standing.  A Personal Cart Agreement must be signed by the member before operating a personal cart and all rules must be followed, including obtaining liability insurance.


    Personal Cart Rules

    Updated 9/1/2022 - These rules may be updated at any time at the discretion of the Club

    • Cart must be electric (not gas powered)
    • Cart must be an approved neutral color: white, black, white, silver, grey, cream, tan, gold, green
    • Cart must have proper turf tires (not off-road or mud tires)
    • Cart must be in good working condition
    • Cart appearance should be acceptable and without defects, decals, tape or any inappropriate decorations
    • If operated from sunset to sunrise, cart must have working headlights and must remain on the cart path
    • Players must obey all daily cart rules set by the pro shop while playing the course
    • Carts crossing the golf course must remain on the cart path and yield right-of-way to golfers on the course
    • Persons in a cart crossing the golf course must be courteous to players on the course
    • Personal beverages are not permitted to be carried-on or consumed on golf course property
    • Any music must be maintained at a volume not heard more than 50 yards away from the cart
    • The minimum required liability insurance is $500,000
  • Member Charge Accounts

    Members in good standing are able to charge purchases at the club to their member account.  Members that would like to utilize their member charging privileges must have a payment method on file with auto-payment setup on their account. Members may access their account online anytime to review charges on their account. Statements of charges are emailed on the last day of the month, and auto payments are then charged on the 2nd day of the month.  Credit cards on auto payments incur a 3% service fee, but ACH auto payments via bank accounts are not assessed any additional fees.  Below are instructions on how to add a payment method to a member account:



    Please call the pro shop (765) 497-1061 or email Adam Oaks with any questions.

  • USGA Handicaps

    Your membership includes a golf handicap thru the Indiana Golf Association (IGA), United States Golf Association (USGA) Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN) and the World Handicap System (WHS).

    To record scores to your handicap, you may download the USGA GHIN mobile app by searching for ‘GHIN’ in your App store.

    You may also post scores online at:

    If necessary, please contact the pro shop for your GHIN account number.

    Learn more about the GHIN system HERE.